Reducing Hiring Costs & Streamlining Processes

April 21, 2020
by Jono Willcocks

Client: Reputable Chain of Restaurants
Participants: 30
Format: 3 day strategic off-site retreat
Location: Partnered Retreat Centre, Maple Ridge, British Columbia

The Purpose: Create, trial and optimize a cutting edge recruitment process during a 3 day off-site. The HR directors request was to create an experiential program with the aim of hot-testing potential management recruits and speeding up the decision-making process on who to hire into long-term full-time positions. 

Our Approach: Our Pinnacle Pursuits team designed and facilitated a series of unique experiences. We mixed the best of progressive learning with carefully crafted experiential activities that focused on personal leadership, team dynamics and emotional/social intelligence over a 3 day/2 night program in an outdoor ‘camp’ environment. We tested potential employees’ ability to respond in experiences that simulated their working interactions, decisions, demands and expectations. Above all, our systems assisted the HR team in deciding which candidates were fit for the job.

The Results: The program was a huge success! The vetting process was streamlined because most applicants were able to self-assess themeselves and make decisions accordingly. This allowed the on-boarding of new senior employees by the company to happen with minimal uncertainty and stress. The program saved the company over $45,000 of ‘potential employee’ wages over the next 2 months.